Showrunners: Ident

Showrunners: Ident

Showrunners – a Documentary Film by Des Doyle, went down a storm at this year’s Comic-Con festival in San Diego. We created this ident especially for the Comic-con Showrunners panel, which featured some of the stars talking about the upcoming film. It premiered at the VIP panel in the packed-out Lyceum Theatre on the19th of July 2013. The film got a huge response and landed a US distribution deal. The purpose of the animation was to introduce the movie trailer, containing new and exclusive footage from the film. The animation was based on the concept of ‘bringing the script to life’,  because the script was universally acknowledged by the film’s stars as being at the heart of their TV shows. Visit


Also see: Showrunners Opening Titles

Related blog article: ‘The Showrunners Phenomenon’

Illustration by: Emberlight



TV & Film


3D, comic-con, documentary, film, Ident, showrunners