Cadbury Milk Tray – 3e Ident Takeover
A very sweet 3e Ident Takeover! This delectable ident is brought you by Cadbury Milk Tray & 3e.
The ident features all your favourite Milk Tray choccies, from Hazelnut Swirl to Perfect Praline. The sweets were all carefully modelled in ZBrush to help give an accurate render of the product. Using ZBrush also enabled us to achieve an organic feel, allowing us to dimple the chocolate texture and create a realistic looking render.

Cadbury Milk Tray Apple Crumble chocolate sweet model within ZBrush
As always the client’s branding was carefully worked into the ident. Getting the branding accurate is always integral to a successful takeover and this ident with its iconic purple backdrop is instantly recognised as being none other than ‘Cadbury’. The end board for these idents is flexible and always gives us the opportunity to work in extra elements of the brand. In this the calling card of the iconic Cadbury ‘Milk Tray Man’ sits neatly in the foreground.

Cadbury Milk Tray 3e Ident End Board
Thanks goes to Cadbury, Waveform Studios who provided the sound design, and to TV3 who commissioned us to make this delicious ident and are always such a pleasure to work with.
The ident will launch in the Big Brother Finale this Friday 2nd February on 3e and will run all the way up to Valentine’s day.